
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Doctor is IN! (Dr. Mario)

Feeling Sick?
Feel Nauseous?
Do you need Medicine?
Then you need a DOCTOR!

Well let me say, Dr. Mario can heal your illness with his awesome pills! Tossing pills inside a bottle killing off all the viruses is as awesome as playing tetris! Dr. Mario is an awesome puzzle game that can be played for all ages and in the newer ones like the Nintendo 64 version up to the Wii, you can use your awesome puzzle-playing skills to show off against your opponents or beat the never ending viruses.

As you can see how many changes had gone on for the game but mostly the gameplay has been the same throughout the entire time. Any strategies for these games? I guess you can say, keep doing combos because that gets you a lot of points and it helps you a lot especially when you are playing against another person, because it sends trash on your opponents side. The thing about the trash is... you might be either helping your opponent or making it hard for them... so basically you don't know!

Overall, the game is fun for a short period of time. It can be addicting. I don't know I'll say it would be a huge favorite among gamers but it is a classic game!

So I'll give tis game a 3.5 out of 5 stars for its classic-likeness!

Anyways, if you guys haven't played this awesome puzzle game yet, then give it a shot because this is a classic fun game! To leave it off, I'll show you a video of me playing Dr. Mario! HERE YA GO!


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