
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

That Bear & Bird!

Banjo-Kazooie is a classic Nintendo 64 game that came out on 1998 and was re-released on 2008 for the Xbox 360 via XBox Live Arcade. This game brings back a lot of memories of my childhood because I spent hours playing this game and had a lot of fun playing as a honey bear and bird who fights against a witch. Yes, you battle an evil witch who kidnaps your sister and you are the only one that can save her from imminent danger and to reach her, you need to go through the many worlds that are introduced to you to gain jigsaw pieces and musical notes that helps you open doors in the witch's lair... until you finally get to the top and duke it out.

This game gave me a lot of inspiration as a kid and as an artist it helped me on my creative experiences because there were some things that I took from this game and placed it in my works, but yes this game is one of the best ones I ever played as a kid and I always loved the music scores for this game!

Especially Gruntilda's lair! That song has never left my head and always been playing just like the Dr. Mario Fever song. I also remember on the game you have to learn battle moves from a mole named Bottles who teaches you almost anything on the game and guides you along the way as you head deeper in the witch's lair. There were so many things that were in this game that were so much fun and a little better than Super Mario 64.

Also, when the sequel of this game came out, I was so excited about it... if I could recall... I called my cousin occasionally on the phone (YES BEFORE CELLPHONES I HELD A PHONE!) about certain tricks and areas on the game helping each other out beat the game, but I did notice that the sequel of this game "Banjo-Tooie" was a lot easier than its predecessor.

But the cool thing about the sequel is... YOU CAN MAKE KAZOOIE (The bird) INTO A DRAGON!!!

Which was awesome... and it was interesting how they tried to do the swap n stop by alternating the games simultaneously and being able to use the same items from both games. Their planning was way advance for its time but sadly, that plan never happened due to how the Nintendo 64 worked and it may actually damage your console... >.>"

Anyways, yes this game was one of the best and was one of my inspirations as a kid and hopefully you guys tried it before... if not, then go get yourself an xbox 360 and purchase it on xbox live arcade and give it a try... sadly it won't be the same as laying it on the N64, but at least you can relive the 90s a little bit!

Also they came out with something called Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts.... which isn't as fun as the original, but at least you can create awesome vehicles on it! So I'll leave you with a picture of Nuts & Bolts!


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