
Sunday, September 29, 2013

What is Defensor Artz?

Defensor Artz

Live the Life, Defend the Art

Is an awesome Anime Illustrations, Graphics, and Media company that I created and will spread the idea of the Defensor Art style to the world. It is motivated by the Japanese Manga (comic) art style mixed with realism and American comic art. This company came about almost a year or so ago, but was finally established this year on May 2013 during ACEN (Anime Central) 2013

The goal of this company is to show upcoming anime and live media in conventions along with selling awesome artwork and other products here that are handcrafted and made specifically for the customer needs. Did I even mention that my company can do graphic design stuff for clients? That is how well rounded we are!

Hopefully this whole business will be known because I want to share the world my own fantasies and sell awesome handmade products along with future published manga stories and even posters!

We even have a Facebook Page that you should Like!

Or you can follow us on Twitter!

Either one, that would be awesome! As you can see, we show updates of stuff we are currently doing or working on! As you can see here I am working on this illustration of Eba Yuzuki from a series known as "A Town Where You Live" or the Japanese name "Kimi No Iru Machi."

I even hope that one day that I will sell products such as Hoodies, T-shirts, Hats, Etc. So keep up with my awesome works!

Hopefully, in the future like in a month or so... my website will be online. Hopefully you guys are liking what you are seeing so far!


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